uploads/lock out.jpg

lock out 1.鎖定,閉鎖。 2. 停工,閉廠〔廠主對付罷工的一種方...

lock step

If user is locked out due to both a bad password and too many bad password attempts , the most recent date time value is returned 如果用戶因多次輸入相同的錯誤密碼而被鎖定,則返回最新的日期/時間值。

They attempt to use specifications as a means to “ lock out “ competitors products and increase their sales unfairly 這些人意圖利用規范來“封鎖”競爭者的產品,以達到不公平地增加自己產品銷量的目的。

The “ session full “ sign was a common sight , and many attendees reported being locked out of more than one session “會議爆滿”現象到處可見,并且報告說許多與會人員被關在了多個會議的大門之外。

Get the length of time for which a user account is locked out after the user makes too many bad password - answer attempts 獲取用戶多次未能正確回答密碼提示問題后用戶帳戶的鎖定時間長度。

Gets the number of invalid password or password - answer attempts allowed before the membership user is locked out 獲取鎖定成員資格用戶前允許的無效密碼或無效密碼提示問題答案嘗試次數。

Lotus domino 7 also allows you to lock out a user account and to force a password change on the next authentication Lotus domino 7還允許鎖定用戶帳號,在下次身份驗證時強制更改口令。

Note : if you do not answer correctly , you will be locked out of the site for 15 minutes 這句話是警告,如果你點錯答案,頁面將被鎖定15分鐘,就意味著15分鐘內你將不能在此站做任何操作。

That it is possible for open source cultures in some respects to ossify enough that good work is locked out 就是開放源碼文化在某些方面可能會非常保守,會把好的作品關在門外。

If user is locked out due to too many bad password answer attempts , the value stored in the attribute defined by 如果用戶因多次輸入錯誤的密碼提示問題答案而被鎖定,則返回

Joe , i ' m going to have to drill this lock out of the door for us to get in 這個罪犯在做案的時候對他的同說: “喬伊,我得把這門上的鎖鉆下來,這樣我們才能進去。

If user is locked out due to too many bad password attempts , the lockout time attribute is returned 如果用戶因多次輸入錯誤的密碼而被鎖定,則返回鎖定時間屬性。

As a result of this dispute , several hundred gorani children are now locked out of their schools 這一爭論的結果就是,幾百名戈蘭尼兒童如今被檔在了學校門外。

The user account was locked out by the directory server because of too many failed logon attempts ,原因如下:由于多次登錄失敗,用戶帳戶被目錄服務器鎖定。

And they locked out all the kids who made contact with him , so they wouldn ' t infect the others 于是把所有與他有過接觸的孩子關起來這樣他們就不會傳染給別人

Gets a value indicating whether the membership user is locked out and unable to be validated 獲取一個值,該值指示成員資格用戶是否因被鎖定而無法進行驗證。

The membership user is locked out when the number of not valid attempts is the configured value 當無效嘗試的次數達到配置的值時,將鎖定該成員資格用戶。

Object that represents the most recent date and time that the membership user was locked out 對象,表示最近一次鎖定成員資格用戶的日期和時間。

Management has threatened to lock out if they do not accept the proposed changes 管理部門已經威脅要停工,如果他們不接受提議的改變。

Access to an object is locked out only if the accessing code is contained within a 塊中包含訪問代碼的情況下,才鎖定對對象的訪問。